Magicwheel scooter does 20mph on one tyre

Magic Wheel
It may look like a spare tyre, but the makers of this one-wheeled scooter claimed yesterday that it will take Britain by storm.

The "Magicwheel" has no handlebars or brakes, can turn on a sixpence and reach speeds of up to 20mph (32.1 km/h).

"This is an ideal alternative for people who are used to riding skateboards, scooters, and roller blades," said Kevin Johnston, of Magicwheels.

"It is much faster than a skateboard due to the sports wheel and it also goes further on each push of the foot. It will certainly get the user noticed."

Video: MetaCafe
Source: Telegraph via Arbroath
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Anonymous said…
There is a cool website with a newer video for these at:

Spluch said…
Thanks, Joe! :)